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Our center provides every patient with a complete rehabilitation - rehabilitation program with the aim of re-integrating quality into their daily requirements and obligations.

The programs vary depending on the age, the burden of each injury, the professional orientation of each individual, their sporting activity and are completely personalized.



•Minimizing injuries
• Quality return to sports activity and daily life
• Restoring the body to its normal state
• Reduce fatigue
• Avoid muscle injuries
• Maintain flexibility
• Improve performance



Choose from a wide range of services:


Dry needling:
The dry needle technique essentially involves the insertion of an acupuncture needle into the muscle through the skin to "release" potential trigger points. The dry needle leads to the relaxation of deeper tissue structures, thereby causing a significant improvement in movement and pain relief.


Kinesio Taping:
The Kinesio Taping method is designed to facilitate the body's natural healing process while allowing support and stability in muscles and joints without restricting movement.


Suction Rehabilitation:
Suction treatment is an ancient form of alternative medicine, in which the therapist places special suction cups on the skin for a few minutes, causing a suction. So, we deal with pain, inflammation, and it is also a method of relaxation.


Specialized Therapeutic Exercise


McKenzie method:
The McKenzie® Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® (MTU) is an internationally recognized method of assessment and treatment of vertebral and limb pain developed in New Zealand by physiotherapist Robin McKenzie. MDH is the philosophy of active patient involvement and education and is used by clinicians and patients worldwide to address spinal problems and peripheral joints. This approach, based on the methods available, is still one of the most well-documented conservative treatments.


PNF Techniques:
PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) techniques, or "Predictive Neuromuscular Facilitation", are a set of dynamic approaches to the evaluation and treatment of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. When applying PNF techniques, particular emphasis is placed on the trunk, but they constitute a set of techniques for a positive therapeutic approach that applies to the whole body.


Therapeutic Massage


Home cure
In addition, our physiotherapist also provides home remedies in your private area upon request with us. We guarantee complete confidentiality and support at your site in order to achieve the best results.